Therapy Tips

The following may help with sessions.


Feel Safe

Make “feeling safe” your default position in the session

Consider how supported you feel inside as you are about to talk about something. Leave something for later if it feels too much right now


Feel More

Feel free to tell your therapist what you are feeling  

Rather than just talking about feelings, see if you can sit with what you are feeling and experience it in the session

Give yourself some time to move through your feelings


Talk Less

Say less, but linger longer on one topic rather than glossing over several topics

Stop talking and pause for a moment

Or stop to notice your breathing – you can say you are doing these things


Other thoughts

Feel free to bring in how you feel in relation to the therapist

Do you notice any similarities between this and how you relate to others?

Create balance by noticing some of the good things in your life 

Stand back, and ask yourself; Is there anything I could really do with my therapist helping me with?